What is fissure sealing used for?
🎂🥳 The 6th birthday is a key age for children. Lots of things evolve: darling grows up, asks for more autonomy, starts to write and read...
🧐 In his mouth too, it's a revolution: the first milk teeth are falling and permanent teeth are appearing. We do not miss the arrival of the incisors (front teeth) but the molars are more discreet, because they grow behind the milk teeth.
😮 These are very important teeth, especially for chewing. Unfortunately, these are also the first permanent teeth removed in adults, as they are very susceptible to decay.
▶ Located at the bottom of the mouth, they are less well brushed by children because they are difficult to access 👉 continue to brush your toddler's teeth up to 8 years old
▶ Their enamel has not finished its mineralization (it takes a few years after their release) 👉 use a fluoridated toothpaste at 1450ppm and have your dentist do fluoridations
▶ They have a shape that promotes food retention 👉 furrow sealing is a simple effective and reproductive technique.
😍 In the pediatric practice, we often use a special resin, the CVI, which captures fluoride from toothpaste when brushing teeth and releases it locally at the molar level during the day. Ask your dentist to use CVI rather than composite for fissure sealing!
💯 There is no more hesitation: the sealing of furrows is quick, easy, painless, discreet and effective for the protection of the molars of the pearl of your eyes!! 😍