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How to know if the teeth are well brushed?

😡 Dentists spend their time telling their patients that their teeth are not brushed well.

🤔 And yet... no one teaches us the signs to check if brushing is effective!

🤗 Even adults have a significant margin of progress regarding brushing!

👉 To help us check if brushing is effective, several senses are to be used:
👀 the view: if there is orange on the teeth or on the contrary white with a creamy texture, you have to rebrush.
👃 smell: do I have good breath after brushing?
👅 touch: if I pass my tongue over the teeth, is it smooth? If it is rough, it must be ironed.

There is a 🌟 wonderful 🌟 tool, which can be found in pharmacies or on the internet for a few euros, which makes it possible to objectify whether the teeth are clean: the plaque revealer.

👩‍🏫 It allows you to really learn Oral Hygiene, because it is often the same areas that you forget to brush.

👉 The most forgotten area during brushing is the collar of the teeth (at the tooth-gum junction). You MUST brush your gums to brush your teeth properly.

👉 This is an area where there is a regular buildup of plaque, leading to gum irritation (gingivitis), which causes bleeding 😨 when brushing. As it bleeds, you brush less, plaque accumulates even more… It's a vicious circle! 😵

👉 My advice: brush this area even if it bleeds. By eliminating dental plaque, the gums will be less irritated and after a few days - weeks, the bleeding will only be a bad memory.

Have a good day !

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