When can you brush your teeth alone?
👩🏫 During the first consultation, I always ask if the brushing is accompanied or not.
👉 Indeed, letting children brush their teeth on their own before the age of 8 increases the carious risk enormously.
🐣🐥 It's true, past kindergarten, we tell ourselves that children are "grown-ups", we want to give them more autonomy... Brushing your teeth is a small daily act, that can be a way to
🦷 Yes but... 6-7 years old is also the age when the first adult teeth arrive in the mouth and your child has not yet acquired the cognitive development necessary for effective brushing.
☣️ So we find ourselves in an explosive situation for new teeth.
☠️ The first permanent molars are the first teeth extracted in young adults, with long-term consequences on general health...
So why not compromise?
👉 We leave the children in autonomy on the morning brushing (if he or she asks for it! )
👉 We continue brushing accompanied by parents in the evening!