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HSPM (Hypomineralized Second Primary Molar)

♠️♦️In the enamel defects family, I present to you...The HSPM! ♣️♥️

💁‍♀️ We can say that it's a bit like the little cousin of the MIH! (see post just below 👇).

👩‍🏫 HSPM (formerly called DMH) or Hypomineralized Second Primary Molar is an enamel manufacturing defect that affects: at least one of the first 4 temporary molars and more rarely the temporary canines. 👶🦷

🤓 It is a multifactorial defect, which appears during pregnancy or around childbirth.

😿 The enamel is of poor quality: opaque stains ranging from chalky white to yellow-brown are present.

🤕 Enamel is fragile: sometimes the tooth looks like "wet sugar". It fractured and decayed after exiting the mouth.

🤯 HSPM is not nice: the teeth are rough, difficult to brush, sensitive to hot, cold and touch... Your child instinctively avoids brushing them. Take over at least until the age of 8-9!

🤦‍♀️ Their repair is more complex. Dressings hold less well and often have to be protected with pediatric crowns.

🧐 Think you've detected HSPM in your child? Get in touch with your family dentist (or even better: with a pediatric dentist! this defect is still relatively unknown to "classic" dentists 😢) so that we can do everything we can to protect these teeth!

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