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Black stains

👩 🏫 For once, the stains I'm going to tell you about today are absolutely not due to an enamel defect!

🤓 Black stains (literally "black stains") are cluster or line stains present mainly on milk teeth or mixed teeth (milk teeth + adult teeth).

🧐 There are several hypotheses regarding the etiology of these tasks, but current studies lean more towards a release of a black dye by bacteria in contact with iron ions present in saliva.
🕵️‍♀️ These dyes calcify on the surface of the teeth (much like tartar) and are very difficult to remove at home.

🍼🥛🧀 Iron-rich food and drinks could increase the risk of having black stains. Other studies have shown that there could be a correlation between the consumption of dairy products and an increased risk of having these spots.

😓 Unsightly, they can interfere with your child's social life: not easy to laugh out loud or smile when we are told that we have black teeth!

😍 Here's the good news: these are stains that settle on the teeth, so they can be removed by polishing or sometimes descaling!

🤯 But watch out! These tasks will come back in the more or less long term. A polishing can again be carried out at this time.

👶👧 A horizon of hope anyway: the bacteria responsible for black stains don't like adult oral environments.

🤟 Towards adolescence, with the fall of the last milk teeth and the arrival of adult teeth, your child's tasks should no longer come back!

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