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What age for the first brushing?

🧐 Between what the pediatrician says, the tubes of toothpaste that don't mention the 0-2 age group, the opinions of each other... It's hard to know at what age you should start brushing your teeth.

😭 In the office, a large proportion of parents are very surprised when I tell them that they have to brush as soon as the first tooth arrives!

😵 You can't imagine the number of cavities that could have been avoided if a visit at 6 months - 1 year had been scheduled, and we had been able to give the right advice at that time!


🤓 There is a real public health issue for pediatricians and early childhood specialists to be trained on how their little patients' mouths work... (and this is too little the case! As if the mouth was not part of the body...)

👉 Before the arrival of the first tooth, it is interesting to clean the mouth after the milk takes with a compress.

👩 🎓 The College of Pediatric Dentistry Teachers has issued clear recommendations based on an international consensus:

👉 A trace of a toothpaste with a minimum concentration of 1000ppm of fluorine must be used as soon as the 1st tooth appears, for brushing twice a day.

👉 No health risk with such a quantity at this concentration, even if your child doesn't know how to spit.


❗ This concentration or the quantity of toothpaste can sometimes even be increased if the caries risk is high.

👉 From 3 years old, we go to 1 peas of toothpaste at 1000 ppm.
And at 6 years old, we go to 1450ppm (the fluoride dosage for adults).


🚨 Attention, toothpaste manufacturers have not standardized the fluorine concentration: you can find 500ppm (the literature shows that it is insufficient in the protection against cavities) in some toothpastes. It is very important to check in the list of ingredients that it has noted "1000ppmF" or "fluorine 1000ppm", at the risk of ending up with a toothpaste that is not very effective.


Have a good day ! 😊

source: French-language journal of pediatric odontology, volume 16, 2021.

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